Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Who's Holding You Accountable?

We all know that changing your lifestyle when it comes to being healthy can be very challenging. There are times you are focused for about a week and then go right back to your old ways. The times we are about to backslide is the time you need that one person or persons to say "hey get it together!"
Luckily, I have a great group of ladies who are holding me accountable for my health and vice versa. There is nothing like a strong support system and most importantly knowing that you are not alone in your journey to a better and healthier you! My linesister Carmen was randomly tweeting her health challenge and from there I jumped on board to join her, and she welcomed me with open arms. Her tweet actually got 3 others on board as well (the more the merrier). Today I did something I have never done, worked out for 2 hours straight. The only thing pushing me besides the fact I have a new bikini coming in the mail and that I really want this for me, was knowing in the back of my head I had to report back to the ladies my progress and I don't want to be the odd man out for not following the plan.

Overall, there are somethings in life you just aren't meant to do alone, and in my opinion taking the step to a healthier lifestyle is one of them. You must surround yourself with your own cheerleaders who have your best interest in mind and genuinely care if you are successful achieving your goal(s) in life. Also, to have someone you can vent to/with and say it's going to be hard, but I'm right here going through it with you.

We are holding each other accountable for 40 days and I already know that we will continue to do so after that...I'll be sure to report back and let you all know how it went...

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