We all have that one person that plays a special role in a certain part of our lives. Well, as many of you know at the end of January 2012 I began a new journey in my life. I started long distance running. Now this is something I never thought I would be doing in a million years. Yes, I would run on the treadmill at the gym because I knew it would aid in my attempts for quick weight loss. Well, long story short, running isn't something I just do, it's pretty much my life! Some may say that's pretty extreme, but it is. Running keeps me calm, relaxes me, takes me to my happy place, and most importantly keeps me healthy!
Since joining BGR (Black Girls Run) in January 2012, I have come across and met some phenomenal women. When I say these women are truly an inspiration I mean it. Their drive and desire is so contagious you can't help but want to get out there on the pavement and give it your all.
On April 28, 2012, I met a young lady who would change my running mentality. Her name is Nikisha Dawson!! She is truly one of the top BGR South Florida cheerleaders. Her spirit is so warm, genuine, and sincere. From that day while running with her, at her first 5K after taking a running hiatus she has become my running best friend. However, that all changed this past weekend, at our Black Girls Run Inaugural 5K/10K Race in Atlanta, GA. We refer to each other as pace/run buddies, well let me just say after this run she has become my SISTER! We stayed by each others side the whole way pushing each other, even when one wanted to stop, taking the lead while letting one walk etc. We both have gone through some things that have hindered us from training like we should but, I am so happy that these setbacks did not kill our running spirit.
This post is to tell you about my new sister, my SOLE SISTER, Nikisha and in a way a thank you note for all her support! I look forward to running more races and accomplishing more goals with her as we continue on our running journey! Our next goal is to complete our first half marathon in November. I am super sad that we won't be doing our first half together, but as she said we will be with each other in spirit.....let the training begin!!